Welcome to Rustasis

Rust Gaming Servers for Everyone

Classic Vanilla Rust [LARGE MAP] | JUST WIPED | RUSTASIS.COM Server Image
Classic Vanilla Rust [LARGE MAP] | JUST WIPED | RUSTASIS.COM Procedural Map
2 / 200 players
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Solo & Duos | Classic Vanilla | JUST WIPED | RUSTASIS.COM Server Image
Solo & Duos | Classic Vanilla | JUST WIPED | RUSTASIS.COM Procedural Map
0 / 150 players
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Vanilla | Large Map | JUST WIPED 03-20 | Rustasis.com Server Image
Vanilla | Large Map | JUST WIPED 03-20 | Rustasis.com Procedural Map
0 / 250 players
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A vending machine in Rust


Want to help support Rustasis? Consider purchasing VIP! Some perks include:
  • Queue Skip
  • VIP tag in chat
  • Discord VIP tag
  • Double giveaway entries
  • and more!
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Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.

Do not do anything to bypass a ban on our server(s). Do not try to join with a different account if you were banned, sit it out. Any try to do so will result in additional bans.

Do not try to use any unfair advantages which were not intentially possible within the game. This includes but is not limited to accessing unaccessible areas and creating graphic errors or using graphical adjustments.

Any vac/game bans on your account must be older than 180 days.

Any rust game bans must be older than 365 days.

We have a 0 tolerance policy for any sort of IRL threats this includes any form of doxing.

Any association with a player cheating or ban evading will lead to a temporary ban if repeaded can lead to a permanet ban for the community.

We acknowledge mistakes happen so if you truly didnt know someone was cheating or evading please submit a ticket in discord. Be aware we might ask for previous messages in order for use to understand your involvment with the individual

Any actions that may cause server preformance issues are subject to immediate removal of entities which can lead to a player ban if needed.

Some examples or these actions include, but are not limited to:
  • Despawning mass amounts of loot
  • Spam Crafting
  • Firework Spam
  • These rules are a general outline to follow staff will always have discretion to decide if something is banable or not.

    If you belive staff has abused this power please submit a ticket in discord or message the owner directly at whosjerry on discord


    Avatar of Xplo
    Xplo Owner
    Avatar of MakeMePasta
    MakeMePasta Admin
    Avatar of Salamander
    Salamander Senior Developer